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Google Digital Unlocked - Fundamentals of Digital marketing

In today's world, everything is becoming digital likewise even businesses are getting converted into digital form. Offline businesses are making their online presence (i.e: Website) which helps them to reach more customers. But here comes the problem, only making an online presence doesn't help them to achieve their business goals online. So here comes digital marketing, which helps in connecting the brands to the consumers through multiple platforms like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.,

In this blog, we are going to see about the entire curriculum of a free course which is provided by Google "Google Digital Unlocked" which helps to understand the fundamentals of digital marketing end to end. From this free course, we can learn about Search Engines, Search Marketing, Paid advertising to social media, Mobile marketing to analytics. This will helps the aspirants who want to make a career out of marketing & helps small entrepreneurs to upscale the business.

Just to have a brief look at the course, this is a free course provided by Google which has a total of 26 modules to explore, all have been created by google expert marketing trainers, packed full of practical & real-world examples to turn your knowledge into action.

Course detail:
Module: 26
Hours: 40 hr
Difficulty: Beginner
Cost: Free

1. Taking your business online:

In these modules, we will be studying different sub-modules

  • Online opportunity: First, we will be studying the "online opportunity" where you can have a brief knowledge about how digital marketing works & what are the benefits of transforming your business online. 
  • Your first steps in online success: Helps you to attain online goals, Make an online presence for your business, marketing the online presence of your business, then analyzing the report by using analytics tools & adapt accordingly.
  • Build your online presence: Will learn about choosing your online presence, how a website works, about the keywords for your website, using the website to attain your business goal, how to use customize/design your website for multiples devices, and finally the do's & don't in website designing. 
  • Plan your online business strategy: What are the benefits of online strategy for your business, taking your business online, how to under customer behavior online, key steps to stand out from the competition, setting realistic goals to improve your business performance.

2. Make it easy for people to find a business on the web:

  • Getting started with the search: Helps you to understand what is a search engine, how does it work, how search engines work on the web, how organic search works, how paid search works, in detail about google search console.
  • Get discovered with the search: Brief about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), the importance of SEO, how SEO works, how to choose the correct keyword for your website, setting realistic SEO goals.
  • Make search work for you: How to make your webpage user friendly, how to other website work for you & how to cross the border with SEO.
  • Be noticed with search ads: Brief introduction about Search Engine Marketing (SEM), how SEM works, choosing the good keyword, make your ad stand out from the crowd.
  • Improve your search campaigns: Achieve relevance with good structure, Get the most from your keywords, Fine-tune with the keywords that match your business, how to know what is working & what is not working.

3. Reach more people locally, on social media, or on mobile:

  • Get noticed locally: How online presence helps to improve your local business, The power of local directories & local listing.
  • Help people nearby find you online: How to use digital to advertise locally, how to target the mobile audiences for reaching your business goal, how SEO works for local businesses.
  • Get noticed with social media: Basics of social media, how to choose the right social media for your business, getting started with social accounts for business, setting a business goal for social media marketing.
  • Deep dive into social media: How to plan a long term goal & how does it work on social media, how to advertise on the social media platform, measuring the success of reaching the goal in social media, avoiding social media pitfalls.
  • Discover the possibilities of mobile: Evolution of mobile phones, Understand how mobile web & mobile apps are different, how mobile apps help consumers. 
  • Make mobile work for you: Introduction to advertising on mobile, how search campaigns work for mobile, how display campaigns work for mobile, how social media campaigns work for mobile & how videos campaigns work for mobile.
  • Getting started with content marketing: How to get started with content marketing, know your online customers, choosing your right format for your content, writing content based on the online audience, help your content be seen, measuring your success in content marketing.

4. Reach more customers with advertising: 

  • Connect through email: How email marketing works, different options in email marketing, crafting attractive marketing emails by using templates, how to manage successful email campaigns, measuring success in email marketing.
  • Advertise on other websites: To know what is display advertising, the major difference between search & display advertising, getting most ins & outs of display advertising. 
  • Deep dive into display advertising: How to meet your business goals by using display advertising, understanding how ad network works, how retargeting works for your business.
  • Make the most of videos: Increase in online video consumption, how videos fit into your online strategy, how to create video content within your budget, ways to share & promote your videos, advertising on video sharing sites, finally measuring the performance of the videos marketing,

5. Track and measure web traffic: 

  • Get started with analytics: What is web analytics, how web analytics works for your business goal, how to track specific goals with web analytics.
  • Find success with analytics: How web analytics & organic search works, tools used for measuring SEM, breaking the analytics data into pieces for insights.
  • Turn data into insights: Using the analytics data to understand the audience, how to create actionable insights from your data, how to get started with online or offline spreadsheets for managing the numeric data, presenting the data efficiently to the stakeholders.

6. Sell products or services online:

  • Build your online shop: Know how to use e-commerce to sell, the process involved in taking new payments & orders.
  • Sell more online: How to create a smooth e-commerce experience for the customers, how product promotion works & merchandising, tricks to promote your products, how retargeting works for e-commerce.

7. Take a business goal: 

  • Expand internationally: Introduction to international marketing & exports, how to validate your new market, Being understood abroad like local policies, restrictions, taxes, etc., Advertising across the borders, know about the support system that you will need when going across borders, helping the customers abroad to buy your products, helping the customers with support queries for the products, delivering to customers across the globe.

There are many paid courses online for digital marketing where you can get hands-on experience but before that, we have to know the basics & fundamentals of digital marketing. Since this Google digital marketing course is free of cost & includes certification helps you to showcase the employers that you have a clear understanding of core concepts of digital marketing. Thanks for reading 😁


  1. Yea, I have taken this course & it's really useful!


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